Venezuelan President condoles with Nigeria over Nnewi gas explosion

Venezuelan President condoles with Nigeria over Nnewi gas explosion

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, yesterday, expressed his solidarity with Nigeria after an explosion in a gas plan in the town of Nnewi, where more than 100 people were killed.
According to a communiqué from the Foreign Ministry published in this capital on Saturday, in light of the accident, the Bolivarian government reaffirmed the ties of fraternity with the Nigerian people.

Preliminary reports show that Thursday’s explosion in the Inter Corp Oil Limited plant, a subsidiary of the Group Chikason, occurred when a truck was downloading liquefied gas without complying with safety measures regarding the cooling time.
Passersby and clients of the plant’s services were killed by the explosion, which destroyed some nearby buildings, and several people were seriously injured.

Information source:today

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