Leigh rugby league stalwart Tommy Sale dies, aged 97

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Tommy Sale was a former player and coach at Leigh CenturionsLeigh Centurions life president and club stalwart of more than 80 years, Tommy Sale MBE, has died aged 97.
Sale made his first grade debut for the club as a 20-year-old, helped rebuild their then-Hilton Park home and also represented Warrington and Widnes.

After he retired he served as coach, kit-man, administrator and time-keeper.
Perhaps his most crucial contribution was the signing of player-coach Alex Murphy, who led the club to Challenge Cup success in 1971.
His service to the sport and to Leigh was recognised with the MBE in 2011, and a stand at Leigh Sports Village was also named after him.
"I am sure I speak for the whole of Leigh in paying tribute to the legendary Tommy Sale MBE. We won't see his like again. A true gentleman," Labour MP for Leigh Andy Burnham tweeted.
"I will ensure a fitting permanent tribute to a giant of Leigh."

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